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“Sorry Babe, You’re a Feminist” by @Gaius_Publius

“Sorry Babe, You’re a Feminist”

by Gaius Publius

I couldn’t pass up a chance to let you enjoy this, from the terrific writer and comedian Katie Goodman. Enjoy:

I hope you watched to the end. Much of this song is acted, especially the last third, and acted very well. I found this song courtesy of this Matt Filopowicz interview — for the Goodman segment, start at 39:45 in the program.

Yes, that’s me in the first part, but this is about Katie.

(And yes, I’ve had her thoughts as well in another context — how a generation of women and men who fought and suffered for rights now taken for granted, are disrespected by those who are nevertheless glad to exercise them. Consider how many hippie-bashing conservatives (and “liberals”), for example, love that they can live guilt-free with their sexual partners. That was a hippie gift, and there are dozens like them. Consider the complete disappearance of “homes for unwed mothers,” where parents with means could hide their shamed daughters away till they’re safely unpregnant again. Or comfortable clothing — thank a hippie the next time you wear jeans to work.)



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