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Flying Their Freak Flags

And embracing the darkness

Greg Sargent:

Pundits: Trump voters support him because they’ve lost faith in meritocracy/our institutions

Trump voters: Actually, we agree with him that immigrants are poisoning our blood and we like his promise to prosecute our enemies without cause

Pundits: It’s the meritocracy, right?

Yes, there’s more.

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Trump’s prepared to budget enough gold leaf to cover the White House and the Capitol.

His followers long for a dictator.

They don’t read little red books. They wear little red hats. They want to obey he who is their retribution. They Live!

Trump wants to normalize the unthinkable, says Ruth Ben Ghiat, and not be held accountable for it. And that’s okay by his followers. Laws are for other people.

Update: Found a gag reel, and not in the humor sense.

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