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So we *can* use the “T word” after all

So we can use the “T word” after all

by digby

Funny story. Somehow, that fine fellow with the sunglasses, who was the Afghan “torturer in chief” known for his extreme brutality from 2001 until 2009, has landed in Southern California. And nobody knows how or why. The CIA and the State Department say they had nothing to do with it and they aren’t talking. The word is that they feared for his safety. Imagine that.

But we can all rest easy at night knowing “the US doesn’t torture”, at least according to George W. Bush and Barack Obama. But evidently we also have compassion toward torturers. But then we knew that. After all, Dick Cheney roams free bragging about waterboarding.

Still, it’s a little disconcerting to think that the local torturer in chief under the US occupation of Afghanistan is living a nice suburban California lifestyle now. I guess he’s one guy the allowed to “jump the line” and get legal status without a lot of interference. I wonder why? You don’t suppose he knows things …


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