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Charlie Pierce tackles the Hillary Hit so I don’t have to

Charlie Pierce tackles the Hillary Hit  so I don’t have to

by digby

I was just gearing up to take on today’s masterpiece of Villager mythology about Hillary Clinton in POlitico and realized that I would rather stick chopsticks in my ears than do it. But it has to be done and luckily we have Charlie Pierce to do it:

The kidz at Tiger Beat On The Potomac plainly are trying to kill Gene Lyons down there in Arkansas. They have given us a “deep dive” into Why Hillary Hates Da Press. Now, for those of us who lived through those thrilling days of yesteryear, the answer may be, “Because she was accused by allegedly serious people of killing Vince Foster in her lesbian dominatrix pied-a-terre in Dupont Circle. Let’s all go grab a beer now.” But the TBOTP crew isn’t satisfied with easy answers. Oh, no, sir. They have produced what is an, ah, interesting survey of our none-too-distant past.

It’s unbelievably painful to read, so read Pierce’s treatment before you go there. Thank you Charlie.

Let’s just say it’s perfect that this article comes out the same week as the vacuous Washington Correspondence Dinner. It’s all of a piece:

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