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Mitch and Elaine, top oligarchs of the Trump era

Mitch and Elaine, top oligarchs of the Trump era

by digby

This story in the New York Times
about Elaine Chao’s corruption is mind-boggling:

The email arrived in Washington before dawn. An official at the American Embassy in Beijing was urgently seeking advice from the State Department about an “ethics question.”

“I am writing you because Mission China is in the midst of preparing for a visit from Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao,” the official wrote in October 2017.

Ms. Chao’s office had made a series of unorthodox requests related to her first scheduled visit to China as a Trump cabinet member, according to people with knowledge of the email. Among them: asking federal officials to help coordinate travel arrangements for at least one family member and include relatives in meetings with government officials.

In China, the Chaos are no ordinary family. They run an American shipping company with deep ties to the economic and political elite in China, where most of the company’s business is centered. The trip was abruptly canceled by Ms. Chao after the ethics question was referred to officials in the State and Transportation Departments and, separately, after The New York Times and others made inquiries about her itinerary and companions.

“She had these relatives who were fairly wealthy and connected to the shipping industry,” said a State Department official who was involved in deliberations over the visit. “Their business interests were potentially affected by meetings.”

The move to notify Washington was unusual and a sign of how concerned members of the State Department were, said the official, who was not authorized to speak on behalf of the agency.

David H. Rank, another State Department official, learned of the matter after he stepped down as deputy chief of mission in Beijing earlier in 2017. “This was alarmingly inappropriate,” he said of the requests.

The Transportation Department did not provide a reason for the trip’s cancellation, though a spokesman later cited a cabinet meeting President Trump had called at the time. The spokesman said that there was no link between Ms. Chao’s actions as secretary and her family’s business interests in China.

Ms. Chao has no formal affiliation or stake in her family’s shipping business, Foremost Group. But she and her husband, Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, have received millions of dollars in gifts from her father, James, who ran the company until last year. And Mr. McConnell’s re-election campaigns have received more than $1 million in contributions from Ms. Chao’s extended family, including from her father and her sister Angela, now Foremost’s chief executive, who were both subjects of the State Department’s ethics question.

Ms. Chao with her husband, Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader; her father, James, a founder of Foremost; and her sister Angela, its chief executive.CreditStephen Crowley/The New York Times
Over the years, Ms. Chao has repeatedly used her connections and celebrity status in China to boost the profile of the company, which benefits handsomely from the expansive industrial policies in Beijing that are at the heart of diplomatic tensions with the United States, according to interviews, industry filings and government documents from both countries.

Now, Ms. Chao is the top Trump official overseeing the American shipping industry, which is in steep decline and overshadowed by its Chinese competitors.

Her efforts on behalf of the family business — appearing at promotional events, joining her father in interviews with Chinese-language media — have come as Foremost has interacted with the Chinese state to a remarkable degree for an American company.

That’s just the beginning of a very thorough investigative report. If you want to see the swamp, there it is.

We don’t really have to imagine it. There is a parallel with the bogus Clinton Foundation scandal. This was an international charity that saved millions of lives which the right wing characterized as corrupt because some of the people who gave money to the charity were also people Hillary Clinton dealt with as Secretary of State. Clinton consulted with the ethics officials and they went to great lengths to ensure that everything was transparent and above board. Despite all the bogus caterwauling among the wingnuts (with the eager help of the mainstream media trolling for dirt on Clinton) they never came up with any evidence of self-dealing or corruption. They did manage to make a bunch of people think that Clinton got rich from the charity which was absolutely untrue so it wasn’t a wasted effort by the right wing and the New York Times. A lot of people came away thinking “where there’s smoke there must be fire” but it was nothing.

Here you have a story of such blatant corruption that in normal circumstances, not only would Elaine Chao be forced to resign, Mitch McConnell would likely lose his job as majority leader. But these are not normal circumstances and I would guess that absolutely nothing will happen. Democrats and Republican elected officials are as afraid of McConnell as they are of Trump — he is, after all, the true power behind Trump’s throne. So, whatevs.

Republicans are now operating openly as corrupt oligarchs. If you want to know why they love the current Russian leadership so much, this is it. They are their role models.


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