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Cold Civil War

Cold Civil War

by digby

I saw this segment yesterday and wondered if the wingnuts were going to have a Breitbartian breakdown over it. (The fact that it’s obvious and has been since 2004 is irrelevant):

And yes, they did. Take a look at the comments at FoxNation:

Hey CHARMSDAD, If you think that their desperation is bad now just wait untill they loose.

hawaii556 minutes ago
Who paid for this man’s education? What a waste!!

Former gilgamish5 minutes ago
@hawaii55 The taxpayers

charmsdad13 minutes ago
The left is, predictably, screaming “racism” as we approach the election. This is nothing more than an act of desperation.

bigctex14 minutes ago
If I have one more liberal tell me I’m a racist I just mite become one

samking7314 minutes ago
@bigctex I know.

cunov615 minutes ago
Might be time to accept it and move on with life with Mitt Romney as your President. BTW, he will be President of all the United States, blacks included. That’s the way it works, right Toure?

samking7314 minutes ago
@cunov6 Unlike Obama who chose to be president for a third of the country only.

keltic117 minutes ago
Are these guys wacko? When I served from 70-77. I served with many a Southerner that swore an oath to defend the Republic & they loved this nation. My Father served in WWII same thing. Korean vets I have talked with same thing.

keonigohan_jr17 minutes ago
Will someone tell this obama slave slavery is over.

hiv30yr21 minutes ago
…could it POSSIBLY be the state flags?

Former gilgamish14 minutes ago
@hiv30yr Out of the states that WILL vote for Romney just how many of them exactly incorperate the image of the Confederate battle flag?

mcveigh21 minutes ago
If you bump your leg on the tv stand, you can watch your knee grow

Tx_SouthernGrace23 minutes ago
Toure isn’t just a racist … he is a militant racist.

fredlvnv397 minutes ago
@Tx_SouthernGrace why does any “intellegent” person even watch these LIBSCUM anyway?

blight144 minutes ago
@Tx_SouthernGrace How can that be, by defintion it implies a feeling of superiority over other races….SURELY these cretins aren’t that stupid……to whom are they superior, they’re about the bottom of the barrel……

mamadore26 minutes ago
Another black racist liberal. I am so sick and tired of them and their racist rhetoric.

astroglidebarry26 minutes ago
Aw, poor little guy. He knows that without racísm the ‘cøward-in-chief’ Obama has nothing at all.

308bthp30 minutes ago
liberals living in the past. pathetic. so 1800’s

I wonder what these people are going to do if they lose?


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