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Reverse Robin Hoods

Reverse Robin Hoods

by digby

Here’s something you don’t see very often in the cable news universe:

That was a pretty big mistake and Cooper is right to apologize for it. I would really like to see some reframing of the question even beyond what he says there to “the 47% who aren’t required to pay federal income taxes because they make so little money.” (Or something like that.) It’s important that people understand that these Republicans are actually arguing that the biggest problem in this country is that the rich are being asked to pay too much in federal taxes while the poor — mostly single mothers with children — are not paying their fair share.

And it is a national disgrace that 47% of Americans are that poor.

Maybe that “53%” agrees with that, but I suspect that quite a few of them might just be a little bit uncomfortable with that equation if they understood it in context.


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