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BFF Seating

BFF seating

by digby

I’m not going to waste a bunch of time on this stupid speech scheduling business because, well, it’s depressing. From what I’ve gathered it really was a White House error (for which someone should probably be fired, except that it was also probably signed off on by VIPs.)Whatever. I don’t even want to think about it. Just watching Hannity and co. crow about making Obama cry Uncle etc is enough.

However, I do hope they at least don’t do one of those “Democrats and Republicans sit together and hold hands” business again, as is rumored. I know that the White House thinks it’s really great to not show partisanship by having the two parties stand up and cheer together (or sit on their hands) but they couldn’t be more wrong, especially in this case. If he’s going to come out with some job creating policies he needs to show that the Democratic party is backing them — and the Republicans aren’t. (It’s possible they’ll stand up and cheer too, but doubtful.)

This battle has to be waged and if he won’t call out the Republicans rhetorically, he needs to at least show in some way that they are obstructing his program. If everybody’s sitting together giggling and texting with their bffs (bipartisan friends forever) I have my doubts that this speech is going to serve the purpose they want it to serve.

So please, let the two parties show that they take different sides on these issues. It’s not a bad thing. It’s how we do it in America.


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