May Day Marches
by digby
People will be marching all over the country on Saturday to NO to Arizona and YES to federal immigration reform with a strong legalization program for the undocumented. (There’s also a demand to stop these awful ICE deportations, a policy which is an unadulterated mess.) If you are moved to get into the streets, you can find out where the marches are gathering at this website.
America’s Voice will be tweeting the DC march here. This one may be lively. They expect to be joined by Members of Congress and others who will be risking arrest.
It will be interesting to see if the media bother to cover it. I hear Jay Leno’s coming to town so they may be busy.
Update: And the hits just keep on coming, Mojo Reports:
Brewer felt she had to sign last week’s immigration bill, because she felt Arpaio’s breath on her neck. She had to appear as tough on brown people as Arpaio does, lest he decide to challenge her in the GOP primary. So she signed it. And guess what? Arpaio’s still going to run against her. Sources in the sheriff’s department, which will likely double as his campaign staff (no new thing there), say his paperwork’s filed. And on his Twitter account – where you can read about his Washington Post interview today, or his “crime suppression/illegal immigration” operations briefings, or his anger about “out of town critics” – he recently tweeted that his wife wants him to run. And he’s already the frontrunner in Arizona Republicans’ minds. So why not run? What does he have to fear? Latino turnout in the Phoenix metro area? Problem solved!
If you don’t know the story on Arpaio, click the link.
Update II: Wow.