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Stop letting lobbyists, pundits and media decide who is electable in 2020 @spockosbrain

Stop letting lobbyists, pundits and media decide who is electable in 2020

by Spocko

 On the January 2nd episode of The Majority Report, Sam Seder talked about the folly of deciding on ‘electability” now.

“Making the electability argument is the most detrimental force to getting a better candidate from the perspective of the left. Because “electability” is exactly what you will hear to discount anyone coming from the left.”

It’s a great point. He goes on to explain that the center right wants to define electability. He points out that there are people and industries that want to set what is electable for the left, especially in certain issues, like health care.

Then they illustrated this with clips of two democrats who were auditioning for lobbyist positions for drug companies and health insurance companies following the 2020 elections.

The drug companies and health insurance firms will want to influence whomever is running for president on the left. Since nobody knows exactly who it will be, they will cover all their bets. They hire former politicians as lobbyists on the left, betting that in 2020 a Democrat president will be in power.

The drug and insurance companies want to determine what is “electable” FOR THEM. They want to set what is a “reasonable” position on any health care changes. Part of this process is teeing up the lobbyists right now. Currently they are looking to hire Democrats who will help them slow down any change from the status quo.  Check out the Sen. Joe Donnelly’s audition tape below. He’s looking for a lobbying position for the health insurance industry.

The drug companies want these Democratic politicians who will soon be lobbyists to first make public statements about what is a “reasonable” policy on health care. If they mention “Medicare for All” they will quickly talk about why this is impossible, then pivot to something amenable to the industry.  In private these Democrat lobbyists will explain to senators, and Democratic presidential candidates in 2020, what the problems will be if they don’t pre-compromise their position to something “doable” or “reasonable.” What is “reasonable?” Whatever the drug and insurance companies say it is.

These Democratic lobbyists will talk about how Medicare for All is “job killing” or it is “too much too soon” or that the country just can’t handle this change. Arguments will range from moral hazard “If you give people free health care they will use it all up” to covert racism. The new Democratic lobbyists will use whatever tools they can, based on the situation at the moment and the people in place at the time. 

The harder the ground is for universal health care, the easier it will be for the “reasonable” ideas of the health insurance industry to be pitched to the Democratic politicians who will be in power in 2020.

It’s Overton Window Moving Time Right NOW. 

All the 
candidates on the left will have a health care position.  Our job is to keep talking about the need for Universal Health care. The insurance industry and drug companies will be backing trucks of cash up to the doors of former democratic politicians to help that message get out.

The pundits will set up what is a “reasonable” policy on health care. The media will then play their part. They will interview Democrats who have a “reasonable” position on heath care. These Democrats’ JOB is to talk about how impossible something like Medicare for all is.

I will always suggest going after Republicans and right-wing media rather than our own people. But if you still have a need to attack a Democrat in the 2020 campaign instead of a Republican, look into folks like Joe Donnelly

You can also attack any of those GOP candidates who fought ACA, voted to repeal it and then went on the stump and said they would protect it. They won’t have as much value to the drug companies and health insurance firms as Democratic lobbyists, but they will be trotted out nonetheless.

The insurance and drug companies go to the people who will be able to influence whomever is in power. They are the enemy to progress in universal health care.

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