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Vlad’s going to be mad

Vlad’s going to be mad

by digby

His boy hasn’t kept things under control. And Trump doesn’t want to face Daddy alone:

President Trump on Thursday canceled a planned meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin set for this weekend, citing Russia’s recent seizure of three Ukrainian naval ships

In recent days Mr. Trump has wavered about whether he would meet with his Russian counterpart at the Group of 20 summit meeting in Buenos Aires. Before leaving for the summit on Thursday morning, he told reporters outside the White House he would “probably” keep the appointment with Mr. Putin.

“They’d like to have it,” he said of the Russian leadership.

But soon after boarding Air Force One, Mr. Trump sent out a pair of tweets calling off the meeting, citing Russia’s recent actions against Ukraine. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Mr. Trump made the decision after a conversation aboard the plane with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton, who spoke by phone from Brazil.

Mr. Trump wrote that his cancellation was “based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia.” He said that he was open to rescheduling his meeting with Mr. Putin “as soon as this situation is resolved!”

Trump has met secretly with Putin before. So I wouldn’t put it past him to do it again. But it’s unlikely that he’ll be looking forward to it.

Update: According to the news as I write this, the Russian’s aren’t happy. They know Trump’s excuse has to do with the “optics” of meeting Putin in the middle of this Cohen news.

And according to CNN, White House officials say Trump is in “a terrible mood, spooked, and completely distracted.”

Everyone should be prepared for something really crazy to happen in the next little while…


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