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The Other Media Ain’t Buyin’ It Either

by poputonian

Boston Globe: Loose lips sink history
The latest effort — transparent as it is inaccurate — tries to draw parallels between Iraq and World War II.

LA Times: Pipe Down, Rummy
Rumsfeld’s cranky outburst mangles a historical analogy, bad-mouths legitimate critics.

Seattle PI: Iraq War: The false specter
The defense secretary now deals with questioning of the mismanaged campaign by raising the false specter of World War II style appeasement.

Yahoo News: What Keeps Don Rumsfeld Up at Night?
Hint: It’s Not the Body Count in Iraq.

How do you eat an elephant?One bite at a time.UPDATE: Sara at The Next Hurrah on Murrow and OlbermannUPDATE 2: From the Salt Lake Tribune

A crowd of thousands cheered Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson for calling President Bush a “dishonest, war-mongering, human-rights violating president” whose time in office would “rank as the worst presidency our nation has ever had to endure.”

The group – including children and elderly and some hailing from throughout Utah – then marched to the federal building Wednesday to deliver a copy of a symbolic indictment against the president and Congress for abuse of power and failure to uphold the U.S. Constitution.

With their signs labeling Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld the “axis of evil,” calling the Iraq war a “mission of lies” or comparing the invasion of Iraq after Sept. 11, 2001, to invading Mexico after Pearl Harbor, the estimated 1,500 to 4,000 protesters hoped their demonstration at the Salt Lake City-County Building sent a message about the reddest state in the country.

“If they [the Bush administration] lack support in Utah, my God they’re in trouble,” the Rev. Tom Goldsmith of the First Unitarian Church told the lively gathering between protest songs and banner waving.

via: Dependable Renegade

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