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Crawling With Liberals

by digby

You can’t make this stuff up.

Yesterday I wrote this:

Today, the CIA is crawling with liberals. The military is crawling with liberals. The Bush administration itself is nothing but a bunch of liberals as must be the GOP congress since they signed off on everything Bush has proposed. The media are, needless to say, nothing but squishy liberals.

The country is going to hell in a handbasket. The president and the congress and all their policies are dramatically unpopular. This, then, is just further proof of the failure of liberalism.

Today, the Nationl Review writes this:

Too often the agency has performed that job miserably, the greatest example being its gargantuan miscalculations about the Soviet Union. In retrospect, this is perhaps unsurprising. The CIA has always had a leftist bent, well represented in its upper echelons even under directors of staunchly anti-Communist and pro-national-security orientation.

And in a terrific rhetorical sleight of hand they then write this:

Porter Goss, a former Republican congressman who once served as an official in the CIA’s clandestine service, was named by President Bush to head up the agency 19 months ago. His primary task was to end its bare-knuckles insurrection and policy interference, and return it to the business of intelligence collection and analysis. His tenure was marked by non-stop turmoil and bickering, as he moved to root out the insurgents and they fought back with a vengeance.

Goss’s sudden ouster is, at best, ill timed. He had merely scratched the problem’s surface. Further, the lack of a clear explanation for his departure is extremely harmful. It is certain to be spun as a coup by the insurgents. Such a perception will only embolden them, laying the groundwork for more leaks—and more damage to national security.

Leftists = Insurgents, the term that is used interchangeably by Republicans with the word “terrorist.”

And by the way, it’s worth mentioning again and again that while the CIA was often wrong during the cold war, it never even came close to being as wrong as the conservatives and necons were wrong, which was completely and totally and comprehensively wrong in every single case. While they continue to conduct their Stalinist purge in the CIA, let’s not forget that.

Porter “Brownie” Goss is about to be succeeded by Michael “Andropov” Hayden. It never gets any better.

Hat tip to Glenn Greenwald for pointing me to this editorial.


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