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Is America A First World Nation?

by tristero

Not when it comes to science it ain’t. Check this out from Discovery Institute’s so-called Center for Science and Culture, the clowns who brought you “intelligent design” creationism, the clowns with ties to Christian Reconstruction and the Moonies. Now don’t peek, but can you spot, as PZ Myers says, the “serious problem in the logic” of “intelligent design” creationist Jonathan Witt’s argument?:

In Dover, they [mainstream scientists] insisted that physical evidence presented against their theory wasn’t an argument for intelligent design. Darwinist [sic] Kenneth Miller made this argument on the stand and the judge concurred. But in Ohio they wanted to scare people into thinking that simply teaching students the scientific evidence for and against Darwinism was somehow legally dangerous. Since it isn’t, the Darwinists had to get creative, had to change their story. So now they asserted that simply exposing students to the evidence against Darwinism constitutes the teaching of intelligent design. Thus, their Ohio position flatly contradicts their Dover position.

Give up? All right, go to Pharyngula and marvel at the extent to which these people can lie without breaking a sweat. And the president of the United States thinks their “theories” deserve equal time with real science. Incredible.

[Note to creationists: All attempts to prosleytize for your nonsense will be ignored. As usual, please take your science questions or your disputations to a science site and air them there. If a reputable scientist – meaning a scientist who understands Darwin and accepts evolution – says you have a legitimate point, come on back and let us know exactly what they said (no “paraphrases” or partial quoting). ]

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