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Changing Their Tune

It appears that the word has gone forth. The GOP voices of God have said “ye shall spin it as a win.”

Sam Rosenfeld at TAPPED quotes Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council:

“… Majority Leader Bill Frist has displayed extraordinary patience and determination in the face of liberal obstinacy. We commend him and stand with him in his effort to end the obstruction and move forward with the task of restoring a judiciary that will interpret the Constitution, not legislate a liberal agenda for the nation.”

Rosenfeld comments:

That’s a lot of backpedalling for one day. Not only did the agreement go from “ignoble” to “long-overdue,” but the Frist commendation went from muted to slavish. These religious-right powerbrokers are some real tough guys. We’ll wait to see how the base they speak for reacts in the coming weeks and months. Far be it from me to call them easily led…

I’m surprised it took them so long to get with the program.

Has anyone heard Rush today? Is he still pissed or has he been “persuaded” that the Republicans are the winners in this deal?


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