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Useful Idiot

I see that certain people in the Democratic leadership have been listening to Rush Limbaugh again:

We’ve got to repudiate, you know, the most strident and insulting anti-American voices out there sometimes on our party’s left … We can’t have our party identified by Michael Moore and Hollywood as our cultural values. – Al From, CEO, Democratic Leadership Council

Yes, it’s always a good idea to sling the word “anti-American” around when talking about members of your own party. It’s so helpful to reiterate Republican talking points in public and suggest that Michael Moore and “Hollywood” must be repudiated because they are unacceptable to the public despite the fact that their “product” seems to sell quite well to a rather significant faction of the party.

Meanwhile, the Republicans have been very successful inviting their sociopathic lunatic fringe right onto the dais and treating them like royalty. You didn’t see the Republicans rejecting Falwell or Coulter because they say inflammatory things, do you? No, because a large number of their constituents think they are terrific. It’s called having respect for your grassroots.

Perhaps the reason the Republicans are winning is because the American people simply appreciate something other than a bucket of lukewarm spit in their leaders and instinctively see through all this silly “Sistah Soljah” bullshit for the half assed, lame symbolic capitulation it really is.

It’s a thought.

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