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PoMo Puffery

In his post Rodeo Bloodbath, James Wolcott brings up something that’s been making my gorge rise for the last few days — this fetishization of the “Marlboro Man” GI photo. Apparently it’s making bunches of Real Americans all moist and quivery.

It is, however, nothing more than warmed over WWII movie iconography which even news editors are eager to admit:

One cited the “strong emotional pull, close and intimate.” Another noted the intensity in his eyes, calling the Marine “a modern-day Robert Mitchum.” Another said, “You can almost feel what he feels. This is war. This is real life.”

What exactly are they teaching in J-School these days? “He’s a modern-day Robert Mitchum.” “It’s real.”

As a reader reminded me the other day, it isn’t reality, it’s hyperreality. Robert Mitchum played the role of GI Joe in the movies. Now we have real GI’s being iconized for looking like Robert Mitchum.

What a sad confused culture we have become.

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