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He’s Naked And We’re Sick Of Looking At It

Richard Cohen does it again:

For months now I’ve dropped bets on the presidential election like Hansel (of “Hansel and Gretel”) dropped pebbles. For honor and money, I’ve wagered on George Bush, not because I wanted him to win but rather because I thought he would. Now I’m changing my mind. It’s not the tightening polls that have done it — I knew that would happen — but rather something I could not have predicted. The president is missing.

The president I have in mind is the funny, good-natured regular guy I once saw on the campaign trail — a man of surprisingly quick wit and just plain likeability. I contrasted this man to John Kerry, who is as light and as funny as a mud wall, and I thought, “There goes the election.”

Where it has mattered most — the three debates — Bush has been wooden, ill at ease and downright spooky. He makes bad jokes, cackles at them in the manner of a cinematic serial killer and has lacked the warmth that he not only once had but that I thought would compensate for a disastrous presidency and give him a second — God help us — term. In short, he could take over the Bates Motel in an instant.

The missing president must be Richard Cohen’s imaginary friend because the man I saw in the debates was absolutely no different than he has ever been.

He has always been an arrogant, cold, testy little asshole. It’s just that people like Cohen built some image in their minds — probably based upon some frat house fantasy that we don’t even want to think about — and they have foisted their little wetdream on us for the last four years.

Here is one of my favorite examples of Bush’s warmth and likeability that Cohen believed in so fervently. Here you see the guy who really believes that the country would be a lot better off with a dictator — as long as he’s the dictator:

The American people must understand when I said that we need to be patient, that I meant it. And we’re going to be there for a while. I don’t know the exact moment when we leave, David, but it’s not until the mission is complete. The world must know that this administration will not blink in the face of danger and will not tire when it comes to completing the missions that we said we would do. The world will learn that when the United States is harmed, we will follow through. The world will see that when we put a coalition together that says “Join us,” I mean it. And when I ask others to participate, I mean it.

And when the world told him to stick it where the sun don’t shine, they meant it too. Strangely, they didn’t seem too impressed with his macho threats.

Go to the link and listen to the audio to get the full effect of this phony jerk lecturing the entire world about what they had to do. You’ll see that the entire diatribe was spoken as if he were an angry father punishing his children. It was disgusting. And it was way back in 2001. It’s not like this creepy, aggressive personality is anything new.

I don’t consider myself to be any more persipicacious than others. I generally don’t have superior insight into the hidden psychology of people I see on television. But, it has been clear to me and to millions of others that George W. Bush is a prick from the moment we laid eyes on him back in 2000 and nothing he has done since ever made me change my mind.

Richard Cohen, the emperor has no clothes you silly twit, and most of us have known it for a long, long time. In typical Democratic pundit fashion you waited until the very last minute to admit it. Very impressive performance as always.

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