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Kick Ass Haiku

And the winners of the DNC Kicking Ass haiku contest are:

1st place: Mark L.

I pledge allegiance

to the United States of

Halliburton, Inc.

2nd place: doogieh

What Roves the hallways

of the Bush America?

Some say it’s treason.

3rd place: Wayne Canne


deficit rich guy tax breaks


4th place: doogieh

Please watch what you say.

Patriots don’t criticize

The Republicans.

5th place: acallidryas

New attacks each day.

Over one hundred more dead.

Mission Accomplished?

6th place: Mark L.

No child left behind,

Clean skies, healthy forests and

Iraq. Pants on fire!

7th place (tie): Rumblelizard

There should be limits

To freedom, he said. And now,

We see he meant it.

7th place (tie): Shant Mesrobian

Screwed the country bad

Two thousand four awaits him

He’ll go just like Dad.

9th place (tie): Irfo

Preppy cheerleader

Pretends to be working man

But nothing’s working.

9th place (tie): Debbs

Watch fat cats choke down

$2,000 hot dogs.

Hand me a pretzel.

Special Honorable Mention: Hollywood Liberal

Thank you DNC…

Can’t stop thinking Bush haiku.

Now look what you’ve done!

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