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I wrote in my post below Waiting For Wesley, that the Esquire article from which I excerpted a long passage had not made the rounds of Blogovia. I was wrong. It appears that the article had been discussed at some length by several bloggers, one of whom — the great Nitpicker — even excerpted the same passage that I claimed hadn’t been blogged!


I’d read the article at the time but didn’t blog it for a number of extremely complicated reasons (Actually, I just didn’t get around to it.) I ran a technorati search for links before I wrote the post and only found a small handful of blogs that mentioned the article so I was under the mistaken impression that it hadn’t been discussed in any depth. I’m thinking now that maybe the article wasn’t yet on-line at the time it was being talked up.

That’s what I get for not Googling…

Apologies to anyone else who posted on the story much earlier than I.

Still …. it’s a good time to bring it up again, no? Clark’s about to announce.

Update: Here’s another fine post by Antidotal from weeks ago excerpting the passage in the Esquire article.

Great minds think alike — but some are a little more on the ball than others. Mea culpa.

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