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Trump voters starting to wonder what the hell is going on

Trump voters starting to wonder what the hell is going on

by digby

“We can tweet about Snoop Dogg…but can’t seem to help people who lost over 1 million acres”

Devastating wildfires ripped across the grasslands in Kansas, Texas, and Oklahoma earlier this month, and ranchers were among those hardest hit. Some families lost 80 percent of their livestock herds, along with hundreds of miles of fences and land. Seven people have died, several trying to save their cattle.

Many of these ranchers voted for Donald Trump, and some say they wish the president was paying more attention to them in their time of need.

Garth Gardiner runs Gardiner Angus Ranch in Ashland, Kansas with his brothers and their families. He says the day the fire started, his brother was out working on their ranch. By the time the fires burned out, he had lost 500 cows — a third of his herd.

Here, Gardiner makes an emotional appeal for help to the White House, and the president he helped elect.

He’s busy marketing his “brand” with endless photo ops and tweeting and monitoring his PR on cable news networks. That’s what he does. And every week-end he needs to fly at taxpayer expense to his Florida resort or go to his Virginia golf club to get in 36 holes or so and secretly meet with his rich cronies. That’s also what he does.

Helping out disaster victims isn’t really in the job description of a billionaire who promised to run the country like a business. Where’s the profit in that?

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