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by digby

He lost. Big time. Trump tweeted and called and according to Sean Spicer, he “left everything on the field.”

He tried his hardest. Let’s give him a participation trophy.

Sean Spicer said this morning that they demanded the bill get a vote. Then they switched gears and said the President demanded that the bill be pulled. Whatever.

The upshot is that the great negotiator couldn’t even get his own party to agree to a bill they all ran on.  He made the ultimate miscalculation by backing the Freedom Caucus, notorious nihilist back-stabbers whose seats are entirely safe instead of the moderates who would be primaried from the right for voting against the bill and opening up the seat to a Democrat. They were the ones who needed his protection but he’s too dumb to know that.

The White House finally realized that a vote on this bill was worse than no vote at all and they defaulted to Trump’s preferred strategy which is to just keep ragging on the hated black guy which he knows his voters love more than anything.

I can hardly wait to see what he does in his unilateral trade negotiations. Get ready to pay 20 bucks a pound for tomatoes, folks.

This is what Republicans get for voting for a cheap huckster who went bankrupt four times. Too bad for the majority that didn’t vote for him.


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