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Why Not Capital Punishment for Double Parking, Too?

Talk Left discusses the case of a man accused of attempted espionage. Ashcroft is seeking the death penalty.

Please, please spare me any hand-wringing on this one about the families of the victims and how the only possible justice for them is “an eye for an eye.” There are no families of the victims, because THERE ARE NO VICTIMS.

Does everyone feel comfortable with the idea of executing people for espionage that wasn’t even committed? Particularly when Robert Hansen, everybody’s favorite Clinton hating G-Man, was personally responsible for numerous deaths of American agents by the KGB and he got life (and we taxpayers are paying his pension to his wife.)

Of course, Hansen had information to share because he was guilty as sin and his crimes reached to highest level of the clandestine spy world, so they couldn’t kill him. Who knows what he might say in a courtroom? But, this poor schmuck is just a mentally challenged loser so they can “make an example of him.”

That’s Justice with a capital J.

Correction: That’s Hanssen. Thanks to Patrick Neilsen Hayden for the heads up.

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