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Vote for me, you dupes by @BloggersRUs

Vote for me, you dupes
by Tom Sullivan

Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway is bragging on Trump’s “boldness” for going after votes in black communities:

This entire conversation had to be had. Republican presidential nominees usually aren’t bold enough to go into communities of color and take the case right to them, and compete for all ears and compete for all votes. They’ve been afraid to do that. So, Mr. Trump deserves credit for at least taking the case directly to the people.

Good luck with that. In Pennsylvania and Ohio Trump polls at zero percent among black voters.

Jamelle Bouie is similarly skeptical. It is typical for Republicans to blame their poor showing among black voters on their “plantation mentality”:

The simple answer is that it’s patronizing, ahistorical nonsense that’s not at all unique to Trump. The problem goes beyond the mere optics of his “outreach”—producing dystopian portraits of black life for predominantly white audiences. And it’s not just the extent to which Trump is talking about black Americans rather than to them. The central issue is that Trump portrays black Americans not as able citizens who need to be convinced, but as mindless followers of a failed regime.


In this narrative, black Americans are mere objects—means to a partisan end. They do not choose or act as political agents. There are no black politicians or activists or leaders of any stripe. Instead, they are acted upon, tools of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party. And worse, despite the horrors of Democratic governance, they don’t understand that they’ve been used and “betrayed.” They still vote for Democrats in overwhelming numbers. They are dupes.

Yeah, that should do it. That will make them forget Trump’s birtherism, Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie,” voter ID, and the implication that white people go to polls to do their civic duty on Election Day while African-Americans go to commit multiple felonies.

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