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Honk for Impeachment. Scream for Impeachment. #Impeachment Now! @spockosbrain

Honk for Impeachment! Scream for Impeachment. #Impeachment Now!

by Spocko

I made this 10 days ago, before Trump almost started a war with Iran. Now this is urgent.

Kelly, Mattis and McMaster are gone folks.  This is hair on fire time. There is no fire break.

When I see news media people calmly discussing war with Iran, I want to scream the tired scream of the Bush era.  “Where is the outrage?” which some fresh activist would ask when a new atrocity would happen.

The answer? Outrage fatigue. Too many mornings of looking at the news and wondering,  “What fresh hell is this?”

Then we had “no drama Obama.”  Relax. Adults are in charge. (Don’t ask about the drones. Don’t get pissed off at the bankers and prosecute them for their crimes. At least we don’t have W!)

We forgot how easily the media got pulled into accepting war, starting a war is exciting, but continuing war is boring. We mostly saw non-messy, non-bloody coverage of war.

It can happen again because we didn’t “De-Bushify” and “De-Cheney” the war pundits. We didn’t demand to cut the war machine funding.

We didn’t demand the news media stop having defense contractor employees (aka Retired Generals) on talking about missiles vs boots on the ground without telling us they make money when Raython’s or Blackwater’s stock goes up.  (Who was on from the companies that make money from peace?)

I won’t put this sticker on my car because there would be constant honking, I’ll put it on my laptop instead.

Trump has floated to the top of our political system like a swamp gas filled balloon. He stinks of rotting fast food. His inflated ego keeps him afloat. His team of sycophants, cowards and corrupt, greedy nut-balls keep people from puncturing his balloon.

There is a sickness in our country. We must stop Trump and the sickness he embodies.


When we fight, we thrive.


I made this at @BuildASign $2.54 each and free shipping. Get yours here. #ImpeachTrump (link)

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