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What dirt will journalists find on DNI nominee Ratcliffe? @spockosbrain

What dirt will journalists find on DNI nominee Ratcliffe?

By Spocko

Journalists, start your search engines!

We know the White House doesn’t bother to vet their nominees for top administrative posts. He sees them on TV, likes what he sees, BAM! Nominee!

Then the media start looking into the person. If they find out something that should have disqualify them before even being nominated, the nominee withdraws.

Outsourcing the vetting of nominees to journalists is a good strategy. It slows down the whole process until he gets his Bill Barr/Roy Cohn. Meanwhile he has another acting director he can push around.

Did you know that there are over 60 people that Trump nominated that had to withdraw? There is a whole page dedicated to it. With photos and everything!

List of Donald Trump nominees who have withdrawn

Remember when he nominated his personal physician to head the VA? That was sweet. Payback for saying Trump weighed 239?

Ronnie: He said “Tell the press I’m 6 foot 3, 239 pounds.” HA! Yeah, right. As if they would believe me vs their own eyes.  
Trump thought bubble,”Is something funny Jackson? You tell people my real weigh I’ll have Pence’s wife rat you out.

On April 26, 2018, Jackson withdrew his nomination as Secretary of Veterans Affairs. He returned to duty with the White House Medical Unit but will no longer serve as Physician to the President. On February 2, 2019, President Trump appointed Jackson to serve as Assistant to the President and Chief Medical Advisor, a new position in the Executive Office. Wikipedia
Sorry about the whole VA thing. You’ll keep getting me the Adderall, right?
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