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Of course they had a hissy fit over John Lewis’s funeral


They always do.

Republicans have long attacked Democrats for how they behave at the funerals of Democratic politicians. Recall the phony handwringing years ago over the funeral of Paul Wellstone. Also:

Coretta Scott King

Ted Kennedy

Even John McCain

All of this falls under the general category of Right Wing Hissy Fit

Here is the predictable meltdown over John Lewis’s funeral oratory by Barack Obama, courtesy Media Matters.

I don’t have the time left in my life to list all their Dear Leader’s grotesque disrespect for people living and dead in which he turns every last moment into a partisan death match.

And anyway, it’s a waste of breath. These people are beyond shame.

Even after three years of this monstrous barbarian in the White House they have no compunction about turning on the oozing sanctimony about proper public behavior. It’s maddening but we’re going to have to steel ourselves to it.

They have learned nothing. They will never change.

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